Via Francigena

The Via Francigena is an ancient route of pilgrimmage from Canterbury to Rome. It passes right through the Magra valley and is well signed throughout. The main website may be found here. The stages involved are 22-25, details of which may be obtained from the following web sites:

Tappa 22: Cisa Pass to Pontremoli

Tappa 23: Pontremoli to Aulla

Tappa 24: Aulla to Sarzana

Tappa 25: Sarzana to Massa

Tracks for a GPS unit may been downloaded from here. There are also useful Apps for both iPhones and Android. Download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store respectively.

Somewhat confusingly, there are three route variations in the Magra valley – for pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles – so it is important to take note of the symbols on the VF signs.